Friday, November 14, 2008

Gratitude Day 6

1. I am grateful for my education. I've always taken my education seriously. I remember overhearing a conversation that a few of my Young Women leaders were having regarding if they regretted taking the time to get a college education and then raising a family and not working. One was a respiratory therapist and one was a chemical engineer. At the time I thought that's a lot of schooling to go through and some hard classes and then just raising a family. Their thoughts were that no they didn't regret the work that it took them to get their degrees because they were in a sense using what they learning in college while they raised a family. I agree!
While I wish that I had had the opportunity to go on and get my Masters degree and become a physical therapist the bachelors degree that I did receive has helped me as has the semester abroad that I took in Jerusalem. I use the problem solving skills that I developed in my chemistry classes and the anatomy and physiology classes have come in handy as well. English, well, I'm using that right now (not well, but I'm using it). Education opens doors and grants you more freedom.
2. I'm grateful for my mother. She has been a real help every Sunday by bringing in dinner, with a dessert so Doug or I don't have to worry about that. Sunday's are very busy days at our home with Doug being the Young Men's President. It's nice to get a good meal on Sundays.
3. I'm grateful for summer. I know it's fall but I love summer. Warm weather makes me happy!

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